As so ci ate Ed i tor: Micha³ ZatoñThe Early Ju ras sic suc ces sion of the Holy Cross Moun tains re gion in Po land of fers a rare op por tu nity to study eco sys tem com plex ity dur ing the evo lu tion and di ver si fi ca tion of early di no saurs, es pe cially her biv o rous ones. The sec tion con sists of con ti nen tal and coastal de pos its con tain ing fos sil as sem blages span ning nearly 25 My of changes in ter res trial plants and some groups of in ver te brates and tetra pods. Based on macrofossils and pol len and spores, the broader char ac ter is tics of the flora in this suc ces sion are pre sented. The flo ral as sem blages show typ i cal Early Ju ras sic char ac ter is tics and con tain lycopsids, sphenopsids, ferns, cycadaleans, bennettitaleans, gnetaleans and ginkgoaleans, as well as co ni fers, and are sim i lar to other Hettangian-Toarcian flo ral suc ces sions in Eu rope, show ing the pres ence of a vast co nif er ous for est dom inated by Hirmeriella in the early Hettangian, re placed by ginkgophyte-dom i nated flo ras in youn ger stages and araucarian coni fer-dom i nated for ests in the late Pliensbachian. Di no saurs are doc u mented mainly from their trace fos sils (tracks and cop ro lites). Six dis tinct track as sem blages (stratigraphically sep a rated ichnoassemblages) of dif fer ent ages can be iden tified. Cur rent ev i dence in di cates that while Anomoepus tracks are abun dant through out the long Hettangian-late Pliensbachian in ter val, me dium-sized to large ornithischian tracks do not oc cur be low the lower-mid dle Hettangian tran sition zone, as so ci ated with the first ma jor ma rine trans gres sion in the re gion. Hettangian strata with dif fer ent theropod tracks (Grallator, Anchisauripus, Eubrontes, Kayentapus, cf. Megalosauripus), small Anomoepus tracks, nu mer ous me dium-sized Anomoepus-like tracks, Moyenisauropus tracks, tetradactyl tracks of sauropodomorphs (cf. Pseudotetrasauropus) and oval-shaped tracks of sauro pods (Parabrontopodus) sig nif i cantly con trast with the higher part of the Lower Ju ras sic suc cession (up per Pliensbachian Drzewica For ma tion and mid dle-up per Toarcian Borucice For ma tion) con tain ing new types of me dium-sized to large theropod tracks (Therangospodus), small and me dium-sized bird-like tridactyl tracks (cf. Trisauropodiscus, cf. Anomoepus), ex cep tion ally large, oval-shaped sauropod tracks (Sauropoda indet.), and new types of me dium-sized and large ornithischian tracks (cf. Deltapodus, cf. Anomoepus). This points to a no tice able dif fer ence be tween the Hettangian and late Pliensbachian-Toarcian di no saur ichnofaunas and may fa cil i tate the study of re gional and global changes and cor re la tions. Both the palaeofloras and di no saur trace fos sils doc u ment eco sys tem di ver sity and eco sys tem changes, pre sented here in re view form. The na ture of these changes re quires more de tailed study, but pre lim i nary re sults sug gest the oc cur rence of rather com plex and pro nounced trans for ma tions in the ...