Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. • A rigorous method is needed to model the loss of tension in fabric membrane structures such as parachute canopies. Fabric structures do not support compressive stresses and undergo "wrinkling" at the onset of compression. Since the behavior of a structure will differ dramatically depending on whether there is compression or no-compression, it is necessary to account for wrinkling in parachute systems.
SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)10• Special CSD models are needed to model Pneumatic Muscle Actuators (PMAs) for simulation of NWV candidate systems. PMAs are the primary control device being used in the NWV PAD program. PMAs utilize a braided fiber cylinder that undergoes large relative motions under rapid pressurization. A geometrically nonlinear formulation for PMAs is required.• Stand-alone CSD simulations are needed to verify the structural model and to provide a preliminary modeling capability for candidate NWV systems. Standalone CSD simulations with approximate fluid loads (prescribed pressure and velocity dependent drag)
Computational Fluid Dynamics• A robust fluid dynamics model is required to simulate flow fields that involve moving boundaries and interface. For the CFD model, it is necessary to solve the time-dependent, 3D Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flow. Additionally, the CFD model must account for the moving boundary corresponding to the parachute canopy.• Sophisticated mesh generation algorithms are needed to automatically generate and update the CFD mesh with moving boundaries and interfaces. As the parachute system deforms and travels through the fluid medium, the fluid mesh must conform to the moving boundary.• Computational methods are needed to simulate the effects of adverse wind fields on parachute systems. The CFD model must also include a general method to prescribe wind conditions on the parachute model.• Stand-alone CFD simulations are needed to verify the fluid dynamics model. To verify the CFD model, stand-alone simulations are performed with prescribed structural geometry.
Fluid-Structure Interaction• A robust method is required to couple the CSD and CFD to perform FSI simulations. FSI simulations require the interchange of data between the CSD and CFD models. Specifically, the CSD model must pass the structural displacements and velocities to the CFD model and the CFD model must pass the fluid pressures to the CFD model. This data interchange occurs for each time step and an iterative coupling scheme is required to insure convergence of the FSI model.
SUMMARY OF RESULTSThe goal of this project has been to develop computational tools for the simulation of candidate airdrop systems for the New World Vistas (NWV) Precision Airdrop (PAD) program. To achieve this goal, the following results were completed:• The CSD, CFD, and FSI models were form...