In this paper, we present an efficient, easily parallelizable approach to solve planted motif problem (PMP). PMP is a well-studied problem in computational biology. It is useful in developing methods for finding transcription factor binding sites, classifying sequences, and building phylogenetic trees. Many approaches to solve PMP can be found in the literature. But the problem with those approaches is that they are difficult to parallelize as they have been designed for serial computers. In this paper, we propose a simple, easily parallelizable enumeration-based approach called BitBased. As with most other enumeration-based approaches that have been proposed to solve PMP, BitBased is also limited by memory for solving largesized problems. To overcome this limitation, we propose various modifications, which not only reduce the memory requirement but also improve the performance of the approach. We have implemented our approach on multicore and GPU devices. We found that BitBased outperforms all the approaches proposed to solve PMP so far. BitBased is able to solve the (21, 8) instance, which was not previously reported as solved in the literature.Many approaches have been previously proposed to solve the PMP. These approaches can be classified into two categories: heuristic and exact. Heuristic algorithms are very popular, but they are not guaranteed to find the correct answer always. CONSENSUS [4], WINNOWER [2], and Random Projections [5] are some approaches that fall under this category. Exact algorithms, on the other hand, always produce the correct answer. These algorithms are also referred to as exhaustive IMPLEMENTATION OF PMP ON MULTICORE AND GPU 1341 enumeration algorithms. SPELLER [6], MITRA [7], PMSprune [8], Voting [9], and RISOTTO [10] are some approaches that fall under this category. These algorithms can further be classified into pattern-driven and sample-driven approaches. Pattern-driven approaches search all the possible j †j l l-mers to find the motifs where † D fA, C , G, T g. These algorithms have the time complexity of O.j †j l /. These algorithms are therefore only suitable for smaller values of l and perform prohibitively poorer for larger values of l. Sample-driven approaches, on the other hand, enumerate the l-mers in the input sequences to find the motifs. Sample-driven approaches are often limited by space requirement. BitBased approach is an exact sample-driven approach. Like other sampledriven approaches, BitBased also has the disadvantage of high space complexity. But we propose various techniques to reduce the space requirement. BitBased can be easily modified to work with any amount of memory available but with additional time.Sagot [6] introduced a suffix tree-based algorithm for solving PMP. This algorithm starts by building a generalized suffix tree for all the input sequences and uses this tree to 'spell' all the motifs. This algorithm is very efficient in terms of space. MITRA uses a variation of suffix tree called Mismatch trees. MITRA works by splitting all the possible pa...