Abstract. Diagonal-norm summation-by-parts (SBP) operators can be used to construct timestable high-order accurate finite-difference schemes. However, to achieve both stability and accuracy, these operators must use s-order accurate boundary closures when the interior scheme is 2s-order accurate. The boundary closure limits the solution to (s + 1)-order global accuracy. Despite this bound on solution accuracy, we show that functional estimates can be constructed that are 2s-order accurate. This superconvergence requires dual-consistency, which depends on the SBP operators, the boundary condition implementation, and the discretized functional. The theory is developed for scalar hyperbolic and elliptic partial differential equations in one dimension. In higher dimensions, we show that superconvergent functional estimates remain viable in the presence of curvilinear multiblock grids with interfaces. The generality of the theoretical results is demonstrated using a two-dimensional Poisson problem and a nonlinear hyperbolic system-the Euler equations of fluid mechanics.Key words. finite-difference schemes, superconvergence, functional estimates, summation-byparts operators, dual consistency, simultaneous approximation terms AMS subject classifications. 65N06, 65N12 DOI. 10.1137/1007909871. Introduction. The finite-difference method is an efficient discretization for a wide range of partial differential equations (PDEs). In addition, high-order finitedifference methods are straightforward to derive and implement, which increases their appeal. Unfortunately, constructing high-order schemes that are provably stable is more difficult, and practitioners often resort to numerical experiments to test the stability of a finite-difference method; this is never a satisfying or rigorous argument.In an effort to construct stable high-order finite-difference discretizations, Kreiss and Scherer [15] designed summation-by-parts (SBP) operators to mimic the stability properties of Galerkin finite-element methods. SBP operators remained relatively obscure until Carpenter, Gottlieb, and Abarbanel [4] combined them with a boundarycondition penalty called a simultaneous approximation term (SAT) [9]. Subsequently, the SBP-SAT method was extended to handle block interfaces [5], curvilinear domains [24], and nonlinear problems requiring dissipation [22]. The SBP-SAT combination has proven to be a powerful approach, with applications including the Euler [22,12], Navier-Stokes [23,25,26], and Einstein equations [17,27].Svärd [32] showed that diagonal-norm SBP operators are necessary to guarantee time stability when coordinate transformations are used. Unfortunately, to achieve both stability and high-order accuracy, diagonal-norm SBP operators have interior stencils that are twice the accuracy of their boundary stencils. For example, a sixth-