Data mining techniques are included with Ensemble learning and deep learning for the classification. The methods used for classification are, Single C5.0 Tree (C5.0), Classification and Regression Tree (CART), kernel-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) with linear kernel, ensemble (CART, SVM, C5.0), Neural Network-based Fit single-hidden-layer neural network (NN), Neural Networks with Principal Component Analysis (PCA-NN), deep learning-based H2OBinomialModel-Deeplearning (HBM-DNN) and Enhanced H2OBinomialModel-Deeplearning (EHBM-DNN). In this study, experiments were conducted on pre-processed datasets using R programming and 10-fold cross-validation technique. The findings show that the ensemble model (CART, SVM and C5.0) and EHBM-DNN are more accurate for classification, compared with other methods.