Stratigraphic boundaries at fine-to-coarse transitions in snow can introduce impeding layers to infiltrating water. In our present investigation, such impeding horizons were observed within sub-freezing homogeneous snow as a consequence of subsurface melting caused by the penetration of solar radiation. This new texture impeded the further downward flow of meltwater at fine-to-coarse transitions, leading to the formation of low-permeability melt-freeze crusts following multiple meltfreeze cycles. In this work, a large sub-freezing (-68C) homogeneous sample, consisting of small rounded grains, was periodically exposed to intense radiation generated by a sun simulator. Due to the penetration of shortwave radiation into the snow, subsurface melting caused the growth of melt-freeze polycrystals from clustered rounded crystals. Variations in mass growth (%) of melt-freeze polycrystals and mass loss (%) of grain clusters were studied within the sub-freezing snow with respect to different melt-freeze cycles. In this work, we study the growth of melt-freeze polycrystals in the top and bottom sub-layers with respect to collective saturation. Saturation profiles from the snow were recorded with a parallel-probe saturation profiler (PPSP) device, sampling at vertical intervals of 7 mm, after each melting cycle. Intrinsic permeabilities across different stratified sub-layers were monitored in relation to saturation as a function of different melt-freeze cycles. Our observations revealed that there is a significant decrease in intrinsic permeability for the first few top sub-layers. Also, permeability in the second topmost sub-layer was less than that in the topmost sub-layer directly interacting with the radiation. These results support the evolution of a new coarse grain texture within the homogeneous snow that subsequently converts into a layer of low permeability. In the various transects of the snow sample, two melt-freeze crusts and one ice crust were manually identified through stratigraphic mapping. A correlation was also established between the saturation spikes recorded with the help of the PPSP and corresponding depth positions of the crusts.