An Ore extension over a polynomial algebra F[x] is either a quantum plane, a quantum Weyl algebra, or an infinite-dimensional unital associative algebra A h generated by elements x, y, which satisfy yx − xy = h, where h ∈ F [x]. When h = 0, the algebra A h is subalgebra of the Weyl algebra A1 and can be viewed as differential operators with polynomial coefficients. This paper determines the derivations of A h and the Lie structure of the first Hochschild cohomology group HH 1 (A h ) = Der F (A h )/Inder F (A h ) of outer derivations over an arbitrary field. In characteristic 0, we show that HH 1 (A h ) has a unique maximal nilpotent ideal modulo which it is 0 or a direct sum of simple Lie algebras that are field extensions of the one-variable Witt algebra. In positive characteristic, we obtain decomposition theorems for Der F (A h ) and HH 1 (A h ) and describe the structure of HH 1 (A h ) as a module over the center of A h .