Growing up with a mother living with HIV (MLH) is a unique experience for adolescents. Children in these families often thrive; however, many also exhibit behavioral health problems including HIV risk behaviors. Under a lens of youth risk reduction, we examined the role of protective parenting practices in their lives including parent-child communication about sex, parent-child relationship quality, parental monitoring, and mother-to-child HIV disclosure. For this exploratory study, we conducted four focus groups with MLH (n = 15) and 13 in-depth interviews with HIV-negative adolescent children of MLH. Participants were primarily African American and recruited from clinics and non-profit organizations in the southeastern United States. A thematic analysis of focus group and in-depth interview data revealed that mothers' prior experiences with HIV and HIV-related risks often underlie their strengths as parents -for example, confidence in their ability to discuss sexual risk topics with their children as well as enhanced motivation to monitor their children's whereabouts and exposure to risky environments. Nonetheless, many MLH face challenges, including problems with mother-to-child HIV disclosure and relationship disruptions, which likely hinder protective parenting. Implications of our findings include specific recommendations for adapting effective and culturally-informed prevention interventions for families affected by maternal HIV infection.