“…21 studies measured only one dependent variable while the rest targeted more than two. The studies determining one dependent variable targeted manding (Alzyrayer et al, 2017;Alzyrayer et al, 2019;Lund & Troha, 2008;Raulston et al, 2019;Roche et al, 2014;Schaefer-Whitby et al, 2019), asking questions (Huskens et al, 2013), play skills (Barton et al, 2019;Kourassanis et al, 2015;Quigley et al, 2018;Ülke-Kürkçüoğlu, 2015) receptive language (Curiel et al, 2016), joint attention (Hansen et al, 2018;Hansen et al, 2019), communicating through technology-aided instruction (Finke et al, 2017), social communication for job (Walsh et al, 2018) and initiating interaction (Charlop & Greenberg, 2009) skills. Nine studies targeted greeting and waving hands (Thiemann & Goldstein, 2004), manding and thanking (Waddington et al, 2014), play and communication skills (Barton, 2015;Barton et al, 2018), commenting and responding (D'Agostino et al, 2018), receptive language and manding (Ninci et al, 2018), initiating and elaborating interaction (Topuz & Ülke-Kürkçüoğlu, 2019).…”