“…We remark that the main results in [L], focusing on elliptic semilinear equations in the plane, can be seen as a counterpart of those in [GNN], in the sense that the results in [L] weaken the smoothness assumptions on the source term and on the solution with respect to the setting in [GNN], at the expense of restricting to positive nonlinearities and to dimension two only. Interestingly, the method in [L], being based on integral (in)equalities, is conceptually different from the moving plane technique used in [GNN] and, in a sense, it is more related, apart from several important structural differences, to the approach to radial symmetry inhaugurated by Weinberger in [W]: see also, e.g., [PSc,Re,GL,FGK,FK,BNST,MP,MP2,MP3,GS,EP,Po,CS,WX,BC,GX,DPV,PT,PT2,CG,CiR] for related problems and ramifications.…”