1 of estimators ensuring bounds for the error. Classical residual type estimators, which provide upper bounds of the error, require flux-equilibration procedures (hybrid-flux techniques) to properly set boundary conditions for local problems [10, 2]. Flux-equilibration requires a domain decomposition, which is natural in finite elements but not in mesh-free methods. Moreover, it is performed by a complex algorithm, strongly dependent on the finite element type and requiring a data structure that is not natural in a standard finite element code.The idea of using flux-free estimators, based on the partition-of-the-unity concept and using local subdomains different than elements, has been already proposed in [11,12,13,14] for finite elements. The main advantage of the flux-free approach is the simplicity in the implementation. Obviously, this is especially important in the 3D case.From the mesh-free point of view, another advantage is the fact that the local subdomains where the error equation is solved are the support of the functions characterizing the partition of unity. This is a concept that also exists in mesh-free methods and thus the extension is possible. Moreover, boundary conditions of the local problems are natural and the usual data structure of a code is directly employed.In the last few years, some research has been devoted to develop error estimation procedures for mesh-free methods. To the authors knowledge implicit residual based estimators have not been proposed for mesh-free methods. However, in [19] a strategy to assess the energy norm of the error for the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) is presented and the possible generalizations to mesh-free methods are also devised. Implicit residual error estimators are now standard in finite elements because they are mathematically sound, more accurate and allow computing upper and lower bounds for energy norms as well as for functional outputs. In this paper the implicit residual-type flux-free error estimator proposed in [14], which is comparable in effectivity to the standard hybrid-flux estimators, is extended to the Element Free Galerkin Method. In the present work, the difficulties found when extending the implicit residual methods to mesh-free are related with the fact that the refined discretization do not induce nested functional spaces. This is specially important for the error representation. Moreover, the bounds for the specific quantity of interest must be in this case carefully computed. In reference [19] these difficulties are not encountered because the error estimator is performed in terms of the energy norm and in the GFEM the refined subspaces are nested.Mesh-free methods are especially well suited for adaptivity. Enriching the mesh-free discretization is straightforward because the new particles are added without any connectivity restriction. Here, a refinement scheme based on inserting particles following a quadtree structure in a background rectangular grid is proposed. The refinement criterion uses the information provided...