Rumyana R. KazandjievaA
I n t r o d u c t i o nThe requirements for high accuracy and velocity of the industrial robots CIR) are ContradiCtOry. Taking into consideration manipulator Uynamics in I R control is a way to satisfy these requirements. The p r o g r a m model of manipulator dynamics should be input in IR control unit.When manipulator dynamics is modelled in order t o obtain the drive forces and tarques, it is suitable t o use the matrix form of second-order Lagrange's equations C1,23. The manlpulator structure and geometry are described by t h e Denavit and Hartenberg's parameterss , , apJ' aP, 8i_t f r = 1 , . . . , n ; n 1% the I link number).Let G, be t h e transformation matrix from t l l e link 3.1 local coordinate system t o the link p-1 one, T , is the transformation matrix from the link p local coordinate system t o the base cctorclinate system.
~t ;ana ulp are the first. ana t h e s e c o n c~ d e r i v a t i o n s sf T , toward the joint coorainates qk and q p respectlvely.