r By March 25, our transaction has received a total of 619 original submissions. Our current average number of submissions per day (SPD) rate is 7.37. Given this SPD, I would like to expand our editorial board to include at least 120 members to ensure the review quality of services.r I would like to share my philosophy on reviewing assignments for submissions. First, I would assign papers to AEs without assignments and with less than six assignments for the year. Second, I will consider their fields of expertise. In this way, I would like to push our AEs, especially the senior ones, to go out of their own comfort zones for paper reviewing. Why? Technology, especially intelligent technology, changes so fast, we must be prepared to process papers that are outside our specialties at TIV or any other academic publications.r On January 14, 2023, I reported the state of IEEE TIV as well as its future directions to IEEE ITSS Publication Board, received very positive feedback, and then sent the annual report to the TIV Steering Committee (SC). On March 4th, I received a notice from the SC for a meeting on March 13th. The only action item from the SC meeting was