Recent research on the magnetic characterization of aromaticity [1] has, over the last few years, promoted the reexamination of the aromatic character of pericyclic reactions. [2] This idea stems from the pioneering work of Evans, [3a] Dewar, [3b] and Zimmerman [3c] and has been refined by Herges, Jiao, and Schleyer. [2] Recently, we reported [4] that the concept of in-plane (s) aromaticity can be extended to several thermal pericyclic reactions. Within this context, we herein report several ring closures involving (2Z)-hexa-2,4,5-trienals and their corresponding imines (Scheme 1). These compounds are engineered restriction sites were inserted into the cloning plasmid pJF119EH1 [20] both separately or in tandem. Cloning sites were BamHI and PstI for entB, and SacI and BamHI for entC, respectively. The E. coli strains W3110, DH5a, AN193, and H1882 were transformed with each of the resulting three plasmids.