This paper describes the formulation of optimization techniques based on control theory for aerodynamic shape design in inviscid compressible flow modelled by the Euler equations. The design methodology has been extended to include wing planform optimization. A model for the structure weight has been included in the design cost function to provide a meaningful design. A practical method to combine the structural weight into the design cost function has been studied. Results of optimizing a wing-fuselage of a commercial transport aircraft show a sucessful trade of planform design, leading to meaingful designs. The results also support the necessity of including the structure weight in the cost function.
INTRODUCTIONW HILE aerodynamic prediction methods based on CFD are now well established, and quite accurate and robust, the ultimate need in the design process is to find the optimum shape which maximizes the aerodynamic performance. One way to approach this objective is to view it as a control problem, in which the wing is treated as a device which controls the flow to produce lift with minimum drag, while meeting other requirements such as low structure weight, sufficient fuel volume, and stability and control constrains. Here we apply the theory of optimal control of systems governed by partial differential equations with boundary control, in this case through changing the shape of the boundary. Using this theory, we can find the Frechet derivative (infinitely dimensional gradient) of the cost function with respect to the shape by solving an adjoint problem, and then we can make an improvement by making a modification in a descent direction. For example, the cost function might be the drag coefficient at a fixed lift, or the lift to drag ratio. During the last decade, this method has been intensively developed, and has proved to be very effective for improving wing section shapes for fixed wing planform. 1,2,7,8,[11][12][13][14] In this work we report on recent improvements in the adjoint method, and also consider its extension to planform design. It is well known that the induced drag varies inversely with the square of the span. Hence the induced drag can be reduced by increasing the span. Moreover, shock drag in transonic flow might be reduced by increasing sweep back or increasing the chord to reduce the thickness to cord ratio. Consequencely an optimization which considers only the pressure drag would lead to a wing with excessive span and sweep back. In order to produce a meaningful optimization problem, we therefore include a simple structure weight model based on the span, sweep back, and taper.
MATHEMATICAL FORMULATIONIn this work the equations of steady flowwhere w is the solution vector, and f i (w) are the flux vectors along the x i axis are applied in a fixed computational domain, with coordinates ξ i , so thatwhere S ij are the coefficients of the Jacobian matrix of the transformation. Then geometry changes are represented by changes δS ij in the metric coefficients. Suppose one wishes to minimize...