We study the mechanical properties of the well-known VT1 and VT6 titanium alloys and new deformed alloys of the Ti-Si system with silicon contents of 0.1-6%. It is shown that, as the amount of silicon increases, the modulus of elasticity, the fatigue limit of smooth specimens, and the calculated fatigue threshold of the specimen containing a crack determined according to the parameters of fatigue fracture increase. It is shown that the mechanical characteristics of alloys of the Ti-Si system exceed the characteristics established for extensively used VT6 alloy.At present, the investigations dealing with the development of new titanium alloys with improved mechanical characteristics intended for application in various fields of contemporary engineering attract much attention of the researchers. Note that, in the 1950s−1990s, these investigations were based on the development of structures formed by mixtures of the α -Ti and β -Ti phases. As a result, high-strength titanium alloys were obtained whose ultimate strength at room temperature is as high as 1000-1800 MPa in combination with a relative elongation of up to 3% [1−3].A new step in this direction was made in the study of the Ti−Si−Х system, where Х is Al or Zr. It was shown that a structure consisting of the titanium matrix and a frame of hardening silicide phase is formed in the process of eutectic crystallization [4][5][6].More recently, the investigations in this field were carried out in the Institute for Problems in Materials Science of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences [7,8]. Much attention was given to the similarity of the constitution diagram for the Ti−Si system with an analogous and well-studied diagram of the Fe−C system. In these alloys, the researchers recorded eutectic, eutectoid, and martensitic transformations, as well as the limited solvability of the alloying element.Hence, it becomes possible to predict the structure of materials and, thus, to form a scientific foundation for the development of a new class of titanium alloys based on the Ti−Si system. In recent years, the plastic properties of these alloys were significantly improved (within the range of silicon contents 0-6 wt.%) by themomechanical treatment [9−11]. Their ultimate strength attained 1180 MPa and the relative elongation was as large as 9%. However, the fatigue resistance of the indicated materials is studied quite poorly.The aim of the present work is to investigate the elastic and fatigue properties and analyze the specific features of the fracture surfaces of deformed alloys of the Ti−Si system depending on the content of silicon.