We investigate the properties of the nearest-neighbor singlet pairing and the emergence of dwave superconductivity in the doped honeycomb lattice considering the limit of large interactions and the t − J1 − J2 model. First, by applying a renormalized mean-field procedure as well as slave-boson theories which account for the proximity to the Mott insulating state, we confirm the emergence of d-wave superconductivity in agreement with earlier works. We show that a small but finite J2 spin coupling between next-nearest neighbors stabilizes d-wave symmetry compared to the extended s-wave scenario. At small hole doping, to minimize energy and to gap the whole Fermi surface or all the Dirac points, the superconducting ground state is characterized by a d + id singlet pairing assigned to one valley and a d − id singlet pairing to the other, which then preserves timereversal symmetry. The slightly doped situation is distinct from the heavily doped case (around 3/8 and 5/8 filling) supporting a pure chiral d + id symmetry and breaking time-reversal symmetry. Then, we apply the functional Renormalization Group and we study in more detail the competition between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in the vicinity of half-filling. We discuss possible applications to strongly-correlated compounds with Copper hexagonal planes such as In3Cu2VO9. Our findings are also relevant to the understanding of exotic superfluidity with cold atoms.