Coal-tar-based sealcoat products, widely used in the central
and eastern U.S. on parking lots, driveways, and even playgrounds,
are typically 20−35% coal-tar pitch, a known human carcinogen
that contains about 200 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds.
Research continues to identify environmental compartments—including
stormwater runoff, lake sediment, soil, house dust, and most recently,
air—contaminated by PAHs from coal-tar-based sealcoat and to
demonstrate potential risks to biological communities and human health.
In many cases, the levels of contamination associated with sealed
pavement are striking relative to levels near unsealed pavement: PAH
concentrations in air over pavement with freshly applied coal-tar-based
sealcoat, for example, were hundreds to thousands of times higher
than those in air over unsealed pavement. Even a small amount of sealcoated
pavement can be the dominant source of PAHs to sediment in stormwater-retention
ponds; proper disposal of such PAH-contaminated sediment can be extremely
costly. Several local governments, the District of Columbia, and the
State of Washington have banned use of these products, and several
national and regional hardware and home-improvement retailers have
voluntarily ceased selling them.