The spin-orbit relaxation of Hg(6,P1) to yield Hg(6,P0) was investigated in the presence of various gases. The quantum yields of Hg(6,P0) formation (defined as relaxation to Hg(63Po)/total relaxation) in the presence ofCO, CO,, NH,, ND,, H,O, D,O, C2H6, C(CH,),, C3H,, 2,2-C3H6D2, C3D,, n-C4H,, and i-C4Hlo were: 0.88 + 0.07, <0.01, 1.05 + 0.05, 1.00 k0.08, 0.76 + 0.18, 1.06+ 0.26, 0.64 k0.16, 0.56 40.10, 0.58 +0.02, 0.14+0.01, 0.51 k0.07, 0.47+0.10, 0.11 k0.01, and 0.05+0.01, respectively. The extent of the spin-rbit relaxation process appears to be related in an inverse manner to the availability and accessibility of channels leading to the formation of Hg(6'S0), rather than to the fulfillment of electronic-vibrational resonance conditions. This in turn suggests the existence of Hg(63Pl)--quencher intermediates having lifetimes long enough to permit several vibrations.La relaxation spin-rbitale de Hg(6,P1) pour donner Hg(6,P0) a tte etudike en presence de nombreux gaz. Les rendements quantiques de la formation de H~(~, P , ) (definis par relaxation de H~(~, P , ) sur relaxation totale) en presence de CO, CO,, NH,, ND,, H,O, D,O, C,H6, c-C,H6, C(CH,),, C3H8, 2,2-C3H6D,, C3D8, n-C4Hlo et i-C4Hlo sont: 0.88 + 0.07, 10.01, 1.05 + 0.05, 1.00 + 0.08, 0.76 + 0.18, 1.06 + 0.26, 0.64 + 0.16, 0.56+0.10, 0.58+0.02, 0.14+0.01, 0.51 k0.07, 0.47+0.10, 0.11 k0.01 et 0.05+0.01. Le domaine du procCd6 de relaxation spin orbitale apparait comme ttant en sens inverse de la disponibilite et de I'accessibilitC des canaux menant a la formation de Hg(6'S0) plutBt que du remplissage des conditions de resonance electronique-vibrationnelle. Ceci suggkre I'existence d'intermtdiaires de pitgeage Hg(6,P,) qui ont des temps de vie assez longs pour permettre plusieurs vibrations.Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 50, 176 (1972) In a recent communication from this laboratory (1) we have presented preliminary data on the spin-orbit relaxation of Hg(63Pl) atoms to yield Hg(63Po) in the presence of various gases. Because of the importance of these measurements in the elucidation of the energy transfer process in mercury photosensitization (2-9) and the controversial nature of the problem (10-14), we have investigated the spin-orbit relaxation process in greater detail and extended our measurements to more molecules. Particular attention was focused on molecules such as CO, CO,, H,O, D,O, NH, and ND,, that have been previously considered ( 2 4 , 10, 15) from the point of view of the resonance theory of spin-orbit relaxation,The relative increase of the total ~g ( 6~~, ) quenchingcross section with the relative decrease of the energy discrepancy, AE, of the electronic and the vibrational transition, were cited as basis for the resonance theory. However, there were only few direct measurements such as rate constants for the occurrence of reaction 1. The result of Scheer and Fine (10) for CO has recently been questioned (14, 126).Also, of particular interest were the alkanes which have been thoroughly studied in the past and were shown to exhibit a num...