2A variety of very basic questions asked 30 to 40 years ago remain unanswered today. How do bacteria select and maintain a defined size, length, and width? How do they control the timing of chromosome replication? What is the mechanism by which they segregate their replicated (or replicating) chromosomes? How do they know where and when to divide? From the literature it is apparent that there is resurgence in studies aimed at answering these important questions. While much progress has been made, we still have a ways to go. This minireview revisits an old technique (thymine limitation) in a new light and illustrates how one can use this technique to manipulate some of the parameters of the cell cycle under balanced growth conditions, which should be helpful in addressing some of the above questions. Hopefully this review will spawn new interest and ideas about the old questions that can be tested by this technique.Ever since the first thymine-requiring (so-called thymineless) strain of Escherichia coli was isolated in 1947 (described in reference 94), thyA mutants have been employed to follow DNA synthesis in vivo (60). Since thymine is a precursor of DNA only, radioactive isotope-labeled thymine and scintillation counters are used to track synthesis in bacteria and their viruses. Before the semiconservative nature of replication predicted by the double-helix model was demonstrated, running density gradients of DNA labeled with the heavy thymine analogue 5Ј-bromodeoxyuridine had been considered (43). However, saving on radiolabeled thymine isotope by using exceedingly low concentrations during the labeling period (for example, see reference 61) led to some flawed conclusions and discrepancies (for example, see reference 55). These were resolved by systematic investigations of pool sizes of thymine metabolites and of the rate of chromosome replication in relation to the external concentrations of thymine (for example, see reference 85). Those studies and their usefulness in getting to understand the composition, structure, and function of the bacterial cell are summarized here. This issue is of particular current importance, because the distinction between the two completely different physiological states of "thymine starvation" and "thymine limitation" has become somewhat vague (for example, see references 24 and 134). It is crucial to realize that the former is a pathological state of the cell, whereas the latter is not (Table 1). Thymine limitation is used as a means to dissociate the rate of DNA replication from the culture growth rate, i.e., to change the relative schedule of the replication and division cycles. This technique to dissociate the two rates differs from the classical method of nutritional shifts, because it does not affect the major metabolic pathways prevailing in the cell. To understand this method, one must know the unique modes by which thymine is metabolized. The earlier review by Ahmad et al. (2) presents an excellent account of the metabolic pathways involving thymine for both prokaryote...