Fifteen phase diagrams were prepared using data from differential scanning calorimetry analysis of binary blends of representative diacid 1,3-DAG. The behavior observed in binary phase diagrams is related to the difference in T m (DT m ) between system components-eutectic for DT m \ 26°C and monotectic for DT m [ 30°C. Binary blends were prepared using six diacid 1,3-DAG: 1and 1,3-palmitoyl-oleoyl-rac-glycerol. Diacid 1,3-DAG were synthesized using representative FA: hexanoic (6:0)-shortchain FA; lauric (12:0)-medium-chain FA; palmitic (16:0)-long-chain FA; and oleic (18:1)-mono-unsaturated FA. In addition to the aforementioned phase diagrams, the physical chemistry of 1,3-hexanoyl-lauroyl-rac-glycerol, 1,3-hexanoyl-oleoyl-rac-glycerol and 1,3-lauroyl-oleoylrac-glycerol is reported.