“…OHI score of less than -Volpe-Manhold Index [39,86] -Calculus index; ranging 0-3 [43] -Presence/absence calculus [45] -Average calculus score [94] Gingivitis/periodontitis assessment 1 [95] Pocket depth > 5.5 mm, bleeding, suppuration and / or tooth mobility class III -Approximal plaque index determined in percentages [55] Bleeding index 7 [32,35,45,55,86,93,98] -Modified sulcus bleeding index, grades 0-3 [93] -Papilla bleeding index [86] -Gingival bleeding index [32,35,98] -Presence of bleeding after probing [45] -Sulcus bleeding index [55] Gingival/gingivitis index -Food debris after rinsing, 6-point scale [86] -Debris index, ranging 0-3 [40,43,83,90] Tongue coating index 2 [76,99] -Tongue coating coverage, grades 0-4 [99] -Using the classification by Miyazaki [76] Oral hygiene assessment based on dependency 1 [92] The extent to which the patient can independently practice oral hygiene Independence of oral care 1 [76] The ability to independently perform oral selfcare Twenty chewing cycles with two-color chewing gum. After flattening, the gum was scanned and colorimetric assessment was performed [38,59] or a score was given, grades 1-5 [27] Clinical dental functionality (CDF) score 1 [96] CDF score is based on the even distribution of functional contacts in the upper and lower jaw Swallowing threshold 1 [38] The number of chewing cycles performed by the patient to chew a porti...…”