Callous unemotional (CU) behaviors are linked to aggression, behavior
problems, and difficulties in peer relationships in children and adolescents.
However, few studies have examined whether early childhood CU
behaviors predict aggression or peer-rejection during
late-childhood or potential moderation of this relationship
by executive function. The current study examined whether the interaction of CU
behaviors and executive function in early childhood predicted different forms of
aggression in late-childhood, including proactive, reactive, and relational
aggression, as well as how much children were liked by their peers. Data from
cross-informant reports and multiple observational tasks were collected from a
high-risk sample (N=240; female=118) at ages 3
and 10 years old. Parent reports of CU behaviors at age 3 predicted teacher
reports of reactive, proactive, and relational aggression, as well as lower
peer-liking at age 10. Moderation analysis showed that specifically at high
levels of CU behaviors and low levels of observed executive function, children
were reported by teachers as showing greater reactive and proactive aggression,
and were less-liked by peers. Findings demonstrate that early childhood CU
behaviors and executive function have unique main and interactive effects on
both later aggression and lower peer-liking even when taking into account
stability in behavior problems over time. By elucidating how CU behaviors and
deficits in executive function potentiate each other during early childhood, we
can better characterize the emergence of severe and persistent behavior and
interpersonal difficulties across development.