Summary: Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of disorders in which particular disease phenotypes can be characterized by a specific etiology and/or pathogenesis of the disease, but in many cases its classification is greatly impeded due to significant phenotype overlapping. Diabetes is a wordwide epidemic with significant health and economic consequences. The frequency of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is much higher than type 1 diabetes (T1D). In adults, around 285 million people suffer from T2DM with a projected rise to 438 million in the next 20 years. A variety of pharmacological treatments exist for patients with T2D, in addition to dietary and physical activity. Pharmacologically, diabetes is treated with nine major classes of approved drugs, including insulin and its analogues, sulfonylureas, biguanides, thiazolidinediones (TZDs), meglitinides, a-glucosidase inhibitors, amylin analogues, incretin hormone mimetics, and dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors. Treatment strategy for T2D is based mostly on oral hypoglycemic drug (OHD) efficacy assessed usually by HbA1c and/or fasting plasma glucose. The patients are often treated with more than one OHD in combination with the purpose to receive more effective treatment. Characterization of drug response is expected to substantially increase the ability to provide patients with the most effective treatment strategy. If pharmacogenetic testing for diabetes drugs could be used to predict treatment outcome, appropriate measures could be taken to treat T2D more efficiently. To date, major pharmacogenetic studies have focused on response to sulfonylureas, biguanides, and TZDs, the most used OHD. A comprehensive review of the pharmacogenetic studies of specific OHD is presented in this article. Understanding the pharmacogenetics of these drugs Kratak sadr`aj: Dijabetes melitus predstavlja heterogenu grupu pore me}aja u kojoj odre|eni fenotip mo`e karakterisati spe cifi~na etiologija i/ili patogeneza bolesti, ali u mnogim slu~ajevima njegova klasifikacija je vrlo ote`ana zbog zna~ajnog fenotipskog pre klapanja. Dijabetes je globalni epidemiolo{ki problem sa zna~ajnim zdravstvenim i ekonomskim posledicama. U~es talost tipa 2 dijabetesa (T2D) mno go je ve}a od tipa 1 dijabetesa. Kod odraslih, oko 285 miliona osoba boluje od T2D, s predvi|enim rastom do 438 miliona u slede}ih 20 godina. Za pacijente s dijabetesom tipa 2, uz ishranu i fizi~ku aktivnost, postoji niz farmakolo{kih lekova. Devet glavnih vrsta lekova odobreno je za le~enje T2D bolesnika: insulin i njegovi analozi, sulfonilureje, bi gvanidi, tiazolidindioni, meglitinidi, inhibitori a-glukozidaze, analozi amilina, mimetici inkretin hormona i inhibitori dipeptidil-peptidaze 4. Stra te gija le~enja T2D se temelji uglavnom na u~inkovitosti oralnih hipoglikemijskih lekova merenjem HbA1c i/ili glukoze nata{te. Bolesnici se ~esto le~e kombinacijom vi{e oralnih hipoglikemika kako bi se postigla {to uspe{ nija terapija. Ka ra kterizacija odgovora na lek obezbedi}e, kako se o~ekuje, mogu}nost uspe{nijeg leenja, odnosno...