Object Adhesion molecules are suggested to play important roles in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. Weexamined the expression of adhesion molecules in the muscles of human inflammatory myopathies. Methods Weimmunohistochemically studied the expression and distribution of two molecules in the selectin family (E-and P-selectin) and their commonligand sialyl Lewis X in 18 inflammatory myopathies, 13 disease controls, and 16 normal controls. Results In inflammatory myopathies, E-and P-selectin were upregulated on the surface of blood vessels, especially on the endothelial cells of the venules. Sialyl Lewis X was upregulated in the blood vessels, infiltrating leukocytes, and the surface of some atrophic myofibers. Somecontrol muscles also showed weakly positive staining with these molecules, however, expression of these molecules was most striking in the muscles of inflammatory myopathies. Conclusion The results suggested that these molecules are upregulated in inflammatory myopathies and might play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory myopathies. (Internal Medicine 38: 632-635, 1999)