Ultraviolet technology of detecting is playing a more and more important role in the field of civil application, especially in the corona discharge detection, in modern society. Now the UV imaging detector is one of the most important equipments in power equipment flaws detection. And the modern head-mounted displays (HMDs) have shown the applications in the fields of military, industry production, medical treatment, entertainment, 3D visualization, education and training. We applied the system of head-mounted displays to the UV image detection, and a novel type of head-mounted displays is presented: the solar-blind UV head-mounted displays. And the structure is given. By the solar-blind UV head-mounted displays, a real-time, isometric and visible image of the corona discharge is correctly displayed upon the background scene where it exists. The user will see the visible image of the corona discharge on the real scene rather than on a small screen. Then the user can easily find out the power equipment flaws and repair them.Compared with the traditional UV imaging detector, the introducing of the HMDs simplifies the structure of the whole system. The original visible spectrum optical system is replaced by the eye in the solar-blind UV head-mounted displays.And the optical image fusion technology would be used rather than the digital image fusion system which is necessary in traditional UV imaging detector. That means the visible spectrum optical system and digital image fusion system are not necessary. This makes the whole system cheaper than the traditional UV imaging detector. Another advantage of the solar-blind UV head-mounted displays is that the two hands of user will be free. So while observing the corona discharge the user can do some things about it. Therefore the solar-blind UV head-mounted displays can make the corona discharge expose itself to the user in a better way, and it will play an important role in corona detection in the future. Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 06/26/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspxHigh-voltage electrical apparatus often are surrounded by a corona discharge which occurs when the electric field in the surrounding air exceeds the threshold for dielectric breakdown of air. When this occurs, the surrounding air becomes partially conducting. Apparatus such as electrical power transmission lines, transformer insulators and bushings, high-voltage power supplies, and the like often have coronas associated therewith [1] . And there may be a sign of defect or malfunction of the electrical apparatus. Therefore, detecting and addressing potential equipment failure is very important to guarantee the reliable operation of the electrical apparatus. In order to detect and address potential equipment failure, the position and extent of the coronas should be detected.Usually it is difficult to detect coronas under conditions of sunlight. One technique used to detect and identify the general position of coronas involves the use of ...