Introduction: Omentin is a relatively recently examined adipokine that appears to be associated with metabolic risk factors and metabolic syndrome. Aim of the research: To analyse the relationship between omentin rs2274907 gene polymorphism and the risk of metabolic syndrome and its components. Material and methods: Genetic material and the clinical data of 219 individuals were analysed, including 108 with metabolic syndrome (MetS), diagnosed on the basis of International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria. Omentin rs2274907 mutation was detected using the PCR-RFLP method. Results: The genotype distribution showed no deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (χ 2 = 3.055; p = 0.080). No significant association was found between the Asp allele of omentin rs2274907 and MetS or its components, when compared to the Val allele (p = 0.198). The Val/Asp, Asp/Asp and Val/Asp + Asp/Asp genotypes also showed no association with MetS and its components when compared to Val/Val genotype (p = 0.662; p = 0.627; p = 0.938, respectively). Only a statistically insignificant tendency towards a more frequent occurrence of the Val/Asp genotype in subjects with MetS (42.60% vs. 34.24%) and more frequent occurrence of the Asp/Asp genotype in the control group (53.15% vs. 44.44%) was reported. Statistically significant correlations between omentin Val109Asp polymorphism and MetS risk and its components were not found in the model adjusted for age, sex, smoking habits or physical activity. Conclusions: The results of the conducted research did not show any significant relationship between omentin polymorphism Val109Asp and MetS risk. There were no associations of this polymorphism with any of the MetS components. It is necessary to conduct further research on a larger population. Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: Omentyna to jedna ze stosunkowo niedawno opisanych adipokin. Wydaje się, że ma ona związek z metabolicznymi czynnikami ryzyka i zespołem metabolicznym. Cel pracy: Analiza zależności pomiędzy polimorfizmem genu omentyny rs2274907 a ryzykiem wystąpienia zespołu metabolicznego (MetS) oraz jego elementów.