exploit the MPSoC architecture. The multimedia Multiprocessor systems-on-a-chip (MPSoCs architectures) applications often use temporary arrays to store have received a lot of attention in the past years, but few intermediate computations, to optimize the memory advances in compilation techniques target these space used by these temporary arrays, buffers and architectures. This is particularly true for the exploitation of registers are used as a replacement. several level of memory hierarchy. Usually tiling is applied to one loop nest; in this paper we apply simultaneously loop fusion with two-level tiling to several loop nests in the 2. Related work context of a MPSoC architecture. The two level-tiling allows The IMEC group [2] pioneered the work on program the simultaneous optimization of caches and registers. To transformations to reduce the energy consumption in optimize the memory space used by temporary arrays, data dominated embedded applications. Loop buffers and registers are used as a replacement. The transformation techniques, like loop fusion and tiling, experiments show that these techniques yield a significant are studied in several works [3] [8] [9]. The first work reduction in the number of data cache misses and in on tiling is given by Irigoin [5], who studied a processing time.sufficient condition to apply tiling to a single loop nest.