We characterise the optimal broadcast rate for a few classes of pliable-index-coding problems. This is achieved by devising new lower bounds that utilise the set of absent receivers to construct decoding chains with skipped messages. This work complements existing works by considering problems that are not complete-S, i.e., problems considered in this work do not require that all receivers with a certain side-information cardinality to be either present or absent from the problem. We show that for a certain class, the set of receivers is critical in the sense that adding any receiver strictly increases the broadcast rate.
A. Problem FormulationWe use the following notation: Z + denotes the set of natural numbers, [a : b] := {a, a + 1, . . . , b} for a, b ∈ Z + such that a < b, and X S = (X i : i ∈ S) for some ordered set S.Consider a sender having m ∈ Z + messages, denoted by X [1:m] = (X 1 , . . . , X m ). Each message X i ∈ F q is independently and uniformly distributed over a finite field of size q. There are n receivers having distinct subsets of messages, which we refer to as side information. Each receiver is labelled by its arXiv:1909.11847v1 [cs.IT] 26 Sep 2019Proof: From Lemmas 3 and 4, we know that β q (P m,U ) ≥ min D (m − |S|), for any (C, S) ∈ C for each decoding choice D. By optimising (C, S) ∈ C for each D, we get Lemma 5.Remark 3: Although the lower bound (4) involves minimising over all (C, S) ∈ C, it is clear that any choice of (C, S) for each D will also give us a lower bound. Having said that, maximising over all D is compulsory.
E. A lower bound based on nested chains of absent receiversDenote the set of absent receivers by U abs := 2 [1:m] \ ({[1 : m]} ∪ U).Lemma 6: If an instance of Algorithm 1 skips L ∈ Z + messages, then there exists a nested chain of absent receivers of length L, that is, H 1 H 2 · · · H L , with each H i ∈ U abs .Proof: A decoding chain C is constructed by adding messages one by one. So, any receiver that is hit must contain all previously hit receivers. From Remark 2, we know that if the algorithm skips L messages, it must hit L absent receivers, and these absent receivers must form a nested chain.We will now prove another lower bound that is easier to use compared to Lemma 5 in some scenarios (for example, case 2 in Theorem 3 and Theorem 4).Lemma 7: [Lower bound] Consider a pliable-index-coding problem P m,U and its bipartite-graph representation G. Let L ∈ Z + be the maximum length of any nested chain constructed from receivers absent in P m,U . We have that β q (P m,U ) ≥ m − L.Proof: L must be the largest number of skipped messages evaluated over all decoding choices D and skipped-message sets. Otherwise, from Lemma 6, we have a nested chain of absent receivers of length L + 1, which is a contradiction. Thus, m − L = m − max D max (C,S)∈C |S| ≤ m − max D min (C,S)∈C |S| (4) ≤ β q (P m,U ).