Limited data were available in infants and children when vitamin A (VA) Dietary References Intakes (DRI) were established; recommendations were developed based on average breastmilk VA intake and extrapolation of data from adults.
Our objective was to evaluate whether DRI and reported intakes, with and without VA from intervention programs, would be sufficient to develop adequate VA stores from birth to 5 y in Bangladeshi, Filipino, Guatemalan, and Mexican children.
A mathematical relationship was established, defined by a series of equations, to predict VA total body stores (TBS) as a function of age based on VA intake and utilization. TBS calculated using reported VA intakes, with and without additional VA from intervention programs, were compared to those predicted using DRI (specifically, Adequate Intake and Recommended Dietary Allowance). Liver VA concentrations were also estimated.
Our predictions showed that, for these 4 groups, DRI were sufficient to attain liver VA concentrations > 0.07 µmol/g by 1 wk of age and sustain positive VA balance for 5 y. Using reported intakes, which were lowest in Bangladeshis from 1 y on and highest in Guatemalans, predicted VA stores in Bangladeshi and Filipino children increased until ∼2–3 y, then TBS stabilized and liver VA concentrations decreased with age. When VA interventions were included, stores exceeded those predicted using DRI by 12–18 mo. In contrast, reported intakes alone in Guatemalan and Mexican children resulted in VA stores that surpassed those calculated using DRI. For all populations, reported intakes were sufficient to build liver concentrations > 0.07 µmol/g by 3 mo.
Although more information is needed to better define dietary VA requirements in children, our results suggest that, for an average, generally healthy child in a low-to-middle-income country, current DRI are sufficient to maintain positive VA balance during the first 5 y of life.