In mammals, odorants induce various behavioral responses that are critical to the survival of the individual and species. Binding signals of odorants to odorant receptors (ORs) expressed in the olfactory epithelia are converted to an odor map, a pattern of activated glomeruli, in the olfactory bulb (OB). This topographic map is used to identify odorants for memory-based learned decisions. In the embryo, a coarse olfactory map is generated in the OB by a combination of dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior targeting of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), using specific sets of axon-guidance molecules. During the process of OSN projection, odor signals are sorted into distinct odor qualities in separate functional domains in the OB. Odor information is then conveyed by the projection neurons, mitral/tufted cells, to various regions in the olfactory cortex, particularly to the amygdala for innate olfactory decisions. Although the basic architecture of hard-wired circuits is generated by a genetic program, innate olfactory responses are modified by neonatal odor experience in an activity-dependent manner. Stimulus-driven OR activity promotes post-synaptic events and dendrite selection in the responding glomeruli making them larger. As a result, enhanced odor inputs in neonates establish imprinted olfactory memory that induces attractive responses in adults, even when the odor quality is innately aversive. In this paper, I will provide an overview of the recent progress made in the olfactory circuit formation in mice.
K E Y W O R D Samygdala, axon guidance, decision making, imprinting, olfactory circuit