A frequency domain dielectric sensor (WET ® ), which measures permittivity (ε), temperature (T, °C) and bulk electrical conductivity (σ, dS/m) simultaneously in the same soil volume, was calibrated for the volumetric water content (θ, m 3 m -3 ) and the salinity of both pore water (σ P ) and water extract (σ E ) in different horticultural substrates: peat, pumice, perlite, peat-perlite and peat-pumice. The experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions over a T range between 22 and 28°C using plastic pots filled with each substrate, irrigated to fully container capacity with nutrient solutions of known concentrations and let to dry (in air) to θ ranging from approx. 0.20 and 0.50 m 3 m -3 . In order to avoid the development of significant gradients in substrate moisture and salinity, the pots did not host plants and the evaporation from the top surface was prevented by means of a plastic wrap. Pore water was collected by centrifugation, whereas water extract was obtained by means of 1 substrate: 2 water suspension method. The values of both ε and σ were corrected for T. The main results of the experiment are the following: i) θ calibration was faintly dependent on the type of substrate and was only slightly affected by the salinity of irrigation water; ii) a significant linear relationship was found between σ E and σ P , with the slope dependent on the type of substrate; iii) the linear relationship of ε against θ was highly significant and unaffected by the salinity of irrigation water; iv) at least in the peat-pumice mixture, the only substrate used for this kind of calibration, the linear regression between σ and σ P was markedly affected by θ, since the slope decreased with increasing θ.
INTRODUCTIONWith respect to soil culture, container-grown plants necessitate much more water and fertilisers and, due to the widespread practice for growers to overirrigate their plants, the environmental impact in term of water use and nutrient leaching through runoff may be considerable. Therefore, a precise control of irrigation and fertigation is necessary and this, evidently, requires an accurate estimation of plant evapotranspiration. A possible approach to efficient irrigation management entails the use of root zone sensors to regulate the frequency and, possibly, the water dose by monitoring continuously the tension or the volumetric water content (θ, m 3 m -3 ) of growing media. In the recent past, a new generation of dielectric sensors has been developed to be used for the control of irrigation in both soil and soilless culture. These sensors are meant to measure both θ and the salinity (namely, electrical conductivity or EC) of growing media, thus providing the possibility to control the fertilisation as well, for example by adjusting the concentration