Triindolo-truxene, a C 3 -symmetric moleculew ith a large p-conjugated plane, hass ix methylene carbon atoms and three aromatic carbon atoms that can be facilely functionalized. Herein, butyl, carbonyl, cyano, and/or malononitrile groups were introduced at six methylene carbon atoms (6-, 14-, 22-or 8-, 16-, 24-positions) and/or three aromatic carbon atoms (2-, 10-, and1 8-positions)o ft riindolo-truxene to produce eight derivatives. Their photophysical properties, electrochemical properties,a nd molecular assembly can be effectively modulated by substituents and substitution patterns. Incorporation of electron-deficient groups led to redshifts in both the absorption and emissiono ft hesed erivatives and also lowered their HOMO and LUMO levels.D iffer-ent substitution patterns resulted in the differentintramolecular donor-acceptor interactions. Electron-deficient substituents at the methylene carbon atoms in the 6-, 14-, and 22positions led to intramolecular charget ransfer from the fluorene arms to the truxenec ore, whereas the corresponding substitutions at the methylene carbon atoms in the 8-, 16-, and 24-positions resulted in intramolecular charget ransfer from the truxene core to the fluorene arms. The molecular packingi ns ingle crystals and molecular aggregationi ns olution are also influenced by the substituents and substitution patterns.T hisw ork provides as traightforwards trategy to alter the properties of triindolo-truxene.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: https://doi.Figure 4. Photographs of triindolo-truxene derivatives in CH 2 Cl 2 (1 10 À5 m) under sunlight (top) and under3 65 nm UV light (bottom).Figure 5. Cyclic voltammograms of a) 2a-2d and b) 3a-3d in CH 2 Cl 2 .