Starting from a representation of the restricted POINCABE group 8 : on a HILBERT space X and from arbitrary bounded POINCARE invariant operators X, and Xwe describe a method for the construction of bounded operators X whose time evolutions ertHXe-itH tend "very fast" to the given operatom X, and Xas t goes to +and --, respectively. Additionally these operators X (interpolating asymptotic constants) are LOREXTZ (or ErrcLmean) invariant and satisfy D certain boundedness condition with respect to H. t i s mlid. I n particular, if S = I X I a d p H ( X ) exists, then also p U A ( X ) exists and P -~(~Y )
-.I p R ( X ) I . I n this and if $ ( X ) is Poincrcre'invariwnt, t h e n a l s o p u H ( 9 )its YOINCARE inwwinnt, henre S is asyrnptotical1;y P O~N C A R~ invnriunt.
Proof. Obvious. IKecjideR the POINCARI~ invariance we introduce some other invariance not,ions. Let S~9('dt).Note that the property of X to be translationally invariant is independent of the frame. i.e. this property is POINCAR& invariant (this is implied hy the formula 1 U,,U,. mhereAa denotes the image of a under the Lorentz transformation = U,,,,,,X for all a € R?. S is called rotat,iom@ invariant, if ,Y (7, = MAX for all -1 = (t L,~)ahereA,-,ESO(:l). S is cdletl E w l i d m n inwrcricint. if S is spatially trnnslationally wid rotationwdly invtlriant. A ) . , Y is called s p a h l l y translalionally invariant, if X1 X is called I-invariant, if X I = I X . Furthermore, we need t h e following definitions.1)efinition 2. Lct ( 23 be CI 1inPti.r mmaifold i n 2 being dense in this syur:e. Then .\ is Bai~m~Lrtcl/~oIIenber.g. Interpoltitirig .Asymptotic ('onstants I 9 rwllcd (c 9-smooth asymptotic constar&. if , Y is (112 u.symptotic constanf m c h that ! I t )
q(X--A-+) e -~X E B , U I !~C~, I t I -l l, + t z l , n = l . 2, ... for trll t~ t 3. Definition 3. Let A . B E "X), AE,=Ea,A = A . BE,,=E,,R= R. The 0 .~4~z . ptotic. c-onstctnt A' is. cc~,llcd interpolatiq with .rpspect to A owl. B if p H ( X ) -A mud Definition 4. S F S ( X ) is called m>-energPtic. boundec? (m i!, ncr.turitl ?Lumber). if Remark 1. Note t.hat an operator XE 9(%) is rn-energet.ic hounded if and only if (N-A)mX (H-3.)-m is hounded for all I from t.he resolvent set res H . IfCorresponding to llefinition 1 we call an operator X E $ ( X ) an asFmptotic constant for the strongly rontinuous and unitary representation [ -( =c-irH of R (time translations) if 8-lim e"tHXe-~H'E$= : X* exist (for both signs. i and -).
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