A b s t r a c tThe effect of secondary electron emission and sputtered impurity ions on the sheath potential drop has been studied. An analytical model has been developed which allows a self-consistent description of the above mentioned effects. In the analysis different materials (two kinds of graphite and tungsten) have been compared and a considerable dependence of the potential drop on the material choice has been observed. It is shown t h a t the most of energy coming from the plasma t o the target is carried by electrons because of both t h e decrease of potential drop caused by SEE and the enhancement of electron current t o the plate caused by sputtering.
I n t r o d u c t i o nIn this paper the sheath potential drop at the target in the presence of secondary electron emission and impurity ions sputtered from the target is considered self-consistently. It is shown that the sputtering a t the target can increase the potential drop when impurities cause strong increases of electron upstream density. Impurity flux to the target as far as the secondary electron emission (SEE) from the target can only reduce the potential drop. The SEE yield saturates due to space charge limitations and can not be used to reduce completely the unfavourable effect on sputtering yield of the acceleration by the potential drop even when a dilution effect of positive impurity ions is taken into account. The coinparison of t w o types of carbon (with different SEE) shows considerably different. values of potential drop and eventually results in different sputtering yields. For materials such as tungsten with a high electron emissivity the effect of SEE prevails over the effect of sputtering and leads t o a substantial decrease of the potential drop. The sputtering (and self-sputtering) of tungsten starts t o be significant at some critical electron temperature (which depends on the level of impurity recycling at the target). At a temperature higher than this critical temperature, self-sputtering above 1 can occur. The exact value will depend also on details of the impurity orbits in the sheath electric field. Further, the energy transmission coeffcients for the different species (electrons, plasma ions, impurity ions) have been calculated.
Model a n d AssumptionsA schematic of the plasma flow to the target is shown in Fig. 1. We consider a steady state 1-D model with only four species. The background electrons are assumed to be a truncated Maxwellian, so for primary electron density one has: