Abstract. We describe a new method for the solution of the ideal MHD equations in special relativity which adopts the following strategy: (i) the main scheme is based on Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, allowing for an arbitrary accuracy of order N+1, where N is the degree of the basis polynomials; (ii) in order to cope with oscillations at discontinuities, an "a-posteriori" sub-cell limiter is activated, which scatters the DG polynomials of the previous time-step onto a set of 2N+1 sub-cells, over which the solution is recomputed by means of a robust finite volume scheme; (iii) a local spacetime Discontinuous-Galerkin predictor is applied both on the main grid of the DG scheme and on the sub-grid of the finite volume scheme; (iv) adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) with local time-stepping is used. We validate the new scheme and comment on its potential applications in high energy astrophysics.
IntroductionDiscontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, which have been applied to terrestrial physical problems for a long time, are still relatively unknown in astrophysics. The situation is now rapidly changing, and their usage is likely to increase in the next decade. Due to their robustness, high order of accuracy in smooth regions and very good scalability, these methods are attracting a lot of attention, particularly in the relativistic context [1,2]. A particularly interesting field of research in high energy astrophysics is represented by the solution of the special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) equations, which govern the physics of peculiar systems such as extragalactic jets, gamma-ray bursts and magnetospheres of neutron stars. Unfortunately, Galerkin methods suffer from a strong limitation, which has prevented a widespread use due to the fact that they cannot escape the Gibbs phenomenon, thus producing oscillations at discontinuities. The common route to circumvent this problem is represented by artificial viscosity [3,4], spectral filtering [5], (H)WENO limiting procedures [6,7], and slope and moment limiting [8,9]. However, an unavoidable consequence of these approaches is that they destroy the sub-cell resolution properties of the DG method. In [10] we have recently proposed a new solution to this longstanding problem, which is based on a sub-cell finite volume limiting approach, while preserving the high resolution capabilities of DG. If combined with Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR), this approach can guarantee un-precedented levels of accuracy [11] and their applications to the relativistic framework are very promising [12].