T he primary objective of nursing education is to prepare nurses to provide effective, safe, and high-quality patient care. Producing safe novice perioperative nurses requires education that includes overarching safety and quality measures. Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) is a framework that incorporates The Joint Commission Accreditation Standards and the American Nurses Credentialing Center Magnet model. 1 When QSEN methodology is incorporated into perioperative nursing curricula, new perioperative nurses will be better prepared to take on the challenges that health care presents. One such challenge is the critical need for strong succession planning in the perioperative community.Empirical literature supports the creation of new and sustainable ways to foster a robust perioperative nursing workforce for the future via perioperative nursing leaders collaborating with nursing school administrators and faculty members to establish perioperative experiences for students before they graduate from a baccalaureate program. 2-4 These types of programs give nursing students an opportunity to explore a practice setting that is not normally offered in baccalaureate curricula. The development of such academic-practice partnerships coupled with a focus on patient safety using the QSEN methodology during the didactic portion of the course can enhance the novice graduate nurse's skill set before he or she enters perioperative practice.There is a growing demand for perioperative nurses (ie, approximately a 1% to 2% increase in need annually), primarily because of a perioperative workforce nearing retirement. 3 These concerning statistics are further complicated by a practice setting that requires a specialized, highly technical skill set and the delivery of specialized nursing care coupled with complex interventions. 4 During the transition from school to clinical practice, the novice