This study used Universal Middleware to regulate the power efficiency capabilities of ZCB-REP(Zero Carbon Building-Residential Energy Platform) as a consumer demand communication service platform for a neural network application model. The power grid network is conducted as a neural network needed for two types of situational decisions to conduct each service for consumer application convergence, and data convergence. First, the ZCB(Zero Carbon Building) microgrid platform was applied to the energy demand model of the run-time execution system, and possible to integrate neural network application services and dynamically distribute them to the other components. This is supported into a transmittable form and configured according to the definition between the provider and the consumer model based on the unit service deliverable framework. Second, REP(Residential Energy Platform) collected customer data and analyzed it using variable network middleware, such as a device management protocol, for each system deployment component. The data collection method was based on the LSTM(Long Short-Term Memory network) network based on db4object and comparative analyzed for NoSQL suitable for a distributed environment. This allows it to conform to the supplier and consumer model between the elements required to build the microgrid infrastructure required by the energy convergence terminal and the facility device interface of the zero carbon building as an intelligent gateway. According to a study on establishing the residential power service system requirement for an add-on microgrid service, the efficiency of operation should be connected to the platform and applied to external systems, providing scalability. The Consumer's demand events were organized and quantified using a neural network method of measuring parameters and evaluating the efficiency of external services to frameworks model, declaration of various entropy services that could be applied to efficiency as real time application services, and extended services. In order to support the independence of real-time operating systems with an entropy model based on the operating system that supports an Android, Windows, and Linux kernel 2.1 series, its applied Universal Middleware concept. This communication convergence entropy model is TR-069 of Broadband Forum, CWMP(CPE WAN Management) of Broadband Forum Standard, and HGI(Home Gateway Initiative). Therefore, a power grid of consumer centered study in the future can be effectively applied to access and integrate platforms of microgrid devices supporting system models for multi-way protocol communication services and to power convergence service equipment that reflects consumer requests in real-time. This study is intended to establish a foundation for ongoing research as a suitable model to solve the environmental issue that humanity must respond to collaboratively by remodeling the enormous resources required to reconstruct and expand the existing system.