Piezoelectric transformers (PTs) have some attractive features for using them in power supply systems such as high efficiency and high power density, a high level of isolation between primary and secondary sides, a flat design which is well suited for a lot of applications and a low level of electromagnetic noise, just to name a few. For any application it is of utmost importance to know the behavior of a piezoelectric transformer under different conditions, which we call regimes of transformer operation. Based on this knowledge, criteria for safe operation of the PT in the power supply system and hence for the whole system as well can be derived. After having introduced the regimes of piezoelectric transformer operation in a first article on this topic in 2006 [1], in this paper we will present the derivation of important parameters based on measurements by way of an example of a symmetric PT. These measurements facilitate the basic understanding for choosing the appropriate transformer parameters necessary for its optimal as well as safe and controlled operation in power supply systems.