The crystal structure of synthetic kutinaite, Cu 14 Ag 6 As 7 , was determined from powder-diffraction data recorded on a Guinier diffractometer and refined by Rietveld method with the program FULLPROF. The final refinement (⌬/ max < 0.2) with 31 (9 profile and 23 structural) parameters using 4600 data points and 226 reflections yielded the following agreement indices: R wp = 18.2%, R p = 13.4%, R exp = 14.7%, S = 1.54, R(B) = 1.78%. The cubic structure has a equal to 11.78079(2) Å (standard uncertainties are underestimated by a score-factor of 2.4686) and space group Pm3m, Z = 4. Apart from partially ordered Cu vacancies, the arrangement of atoms is very close to that in Fm3m. The Pm3m structure of kutinaite is a result of the frozen-in partial order of Cu vacancies which, in a presumed high-temperature Fm3m structure, should be completely disordered. The atoms Cu2 and Cu3 are tetrahedrally coordinated by As, the atoms Cu1 and Cu4 (with partial occupancies) have trigonal planar As coordination. Atoms of Ag form octahedral Ag 6 clusters in octahedral cavities of the Cu-As framework. On the one hand, the structure of kutinaite contains a multitude of short metal-metal and metal-semimetal contacts, resulting in high coordination-numbers and indicating direct metal-metal interactions. The presence of metal-metal bonding contacts is supported by an electron-density analysis, which gives the following bonding contact limits: 2.70 Å (Cu-Cu), and 3.05 Å (Ag-Cu). On the other hand, a network of important Cu-As bonds forms a three-dimensional complex with a nominal net negative charge balanced by nominal positive charges of localized Ag 6 complexes. This situation results in two complementary descriptions of the structure of kutinaite: kutinaite as an icosahedral alloy and kutinaite as an arsenide with metal clusters.Keywords: kutinaite, X-ray diffraction, powder method, crystal structure, icosahedral alloy, arsenide, metal clusters.
SOMMAIRENous avons établi la structure cristalline de la kutinaïte synthétique, Cu 14 Ag 6 As 7 , à partir de données en diffraction X obtenues sur poudre, enregistrées avec un diffractomètre Guinier et affinées par la méthode de Rietveld avec le logiciel FULLPROF. L'affinement final (⌬/ max < 0.2), avec 31 paramètres (9 portant sur le profil et 23 sur la structure), repose sur 4600 données et 226 réflexions, et ont mené aux indices de concordance suivants: R wp = 18.2%, R p = 13.4%, R exp = 14.7%, S = 1.54, R(B) = 1.78%. Le paramètre a de la structure cubique est égal à 11.78079(2) Å (l'écart-type est sous-estimé par un facteur de 2.4686); le groupe spatial est Pm3m, Z = 4. Mis à part les lacunes aux sites du Cu, partiellement ordonnées, l'agencement des atomes se rapproche de celui du groupe spatial Fm3m. La structure Pm3m de la kutinaïte résulterait de la mise en ordre partielle des lacunes aux sites Cu; dans un précurseur de haute température, dont le groupe spatial est Fm3m, ces lacunes devraient être complètement désordonnées. Les atomes Cu2 et Cu3 ont une coordinence tétraédri...