To assess the radiological impact of environmental radiation, a set of external dose conversion coefficients for 7 Korean reference aquatic and terrestrial animals (rat, roe-deer, frog, snake, Chinese minnow, bee and earthworm) are presented for 25 radionuclides ( 3 H, 7 Be, 14 C, 40 239 Pu, and 240 Pu). The external dose conversion coefficients have been calculated by the uniform isotropic model for aquatic animals, and by the Monte Carlo method, which can simulate a photon transport in environmental media with different densities, for terrestrial animals. In the modeling all the target animals are defined as a simple 3D elliptical shape. To specify the external radiation source it is assumed that aquatic animals are fully immersed in infinite and uniformly contaminated water, and the on-soil animals are living on the surface of a horizontally infinite contaminated soil, and the in-soil organisms are living at the center of a horizontally infinite and uniformly contaminated soil to a depth of 50cm.
KEYWORDS: external dose conversion coefficient, non-human species, uniform isotropic model, Monte
Carlo simulationwhere D ext ( Gyd -1 per Bqkg -1 ) is the external dose conversion coefficients; denotes a radiation type ( , , ); E i (MeV) and y i (decay -1 ) are energy and yield of the discrete energy radiations per decay of the radionuclide; N (E) (decay -1 MeV -1 ) is the continuous energy spectrum ofparticles; (E) is the absorbed energy fraction, which is defined as the fraction of energy emitted by a decaying radionuclide that is absorbed within the organism.