In the current paper, different experiments are conducted on a high speed planing craft in irregular waves, with and without a wedge. Performance and seakeeping aspects of these planing hulls in the form of trim, rise-up, and resistance in regular waves and heave, pitch, bow, and center of gravity (CG) acceleration in irregular waves are extracted in time series. Irregular waves represent sea state 3 with 12cm height and peak period of 1.66. A model length of 2.63m and 1:5 scale is considered and all data for irregular waves are scaled, as well. The deadrise angle is constant and is taken to be 24 degrees. The targeted experimental tests are conducted for four longitudinal Froude numbers of 1.0, 1.18, 1.37, and 1.57, which are all in the planing regime. The results are analyzed for the mean height of wave, significant wave height, RMS, and spectrum. The comprehensive study of wedges' effects is also presented which indicates that a wedge can decrease the motions and accelerations, exceedingly. Ultimately, the obtained results are compared against those by Fridsma (1971) and Soletic (2010) and it is demonstrated that motions and accelerations are indeed reduced.