This paper discusses different approaches to the measurement of global interpersonal in equality. Trends in global interpersonal inequality during are measured using data from UNU-WIDER's World Income Inequality Database. In order to better understand the trends, global interpersonal inequality is decomposed into within-country and between-country inequality. The paper illustrates that the relationship between global interpersonal inequality and these constituent components is a complex one. In particular, we demonstrate that the changes in China s and India s income distributions over the past 30 years have simultaneously caused inequality to rise domestically in those countries, while tending to reduce global inter-personal inequality. In light of these findings, we reflect on the meaning and policy relevance of global vis-à-vis domestic inequality measures.Keywords: global interpersonal inequality, inequality, inequality measurement JEL classification: D31, D63, E01, O15 Acknowledgements: We are grateful to seminar participants at the universities of Helsinki, Oxford, Bielefeld, and Beijing Normal University, for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. All the errors are ours.
Global interpersonal inequality Trends and measurementMiguel Niño-Zarazúa y , Laurence Roope z and Finn Tarp x ABSTRACT This paper discusses di¤erent approaches to the measurement of global interpersonal inequality. Trends in global interpersonal inequality during 1975-2005 are measured using data from UNU-WIDER's World Income Inequality Database. In order to better understand the trends, global interpersonal inequality is decomposed into within-country and between-country inequality. The paper illustrates that the relationship between global interpersonal inequality and these constituent components is a complex one. In particular, we demonstrate that the changes in China's and India's income distributions over the past 30 years have simultaneously caused inequality to rise domestically in those countries, while tending to reduce global interpersonal inequality. In light of these …ndings, we re ‡ect on the meaning and policy relevance of global vis-à-vis domestic inequality measures.