The rapid growth of power electronics-based devices, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy systems, has introduced nonlinear components into power systems, generating high-frequency harmonics that distort current and voltage waveforms. These distortions pose significant risks to the stability of power grids, potentially leading to equipment malfunctions, reduced efficiency, and even system failures. To address these challenges, advanced harmonic detection, suppression, and estimation techniques are required to ensure the reliable operation of modern power systems. This paper comprehensively reviews the most widely used methods for managing harmonic distortions, focusing on recent harmonic detection, suppression, and estimation advancements. Key techniques, such as Fourier analysis and wavelet transforms, are compared alongside emerging machine learning-based approaches and adaptive filtering methods, which offer enhanced accuracy in real-time and dynamic environments. Additionally, advancements in harmonic suppression technologies, including passive, active, and hybrid filtering, are discussed for their effectiveness in mitigating harmonic impacts. Furthermore, the paper explores harmonic aggregation techniques that assess the cumulative impact of multiple harmonic sources and innovative estimation models that improve harmonic quantification under complex grid conditions. With the growing integration of renewable energy and electric vehicles, this review highlights the importance of advanced harmonic management strategies to ensure the safety, efficiency, and long-term stability of power systems.