We analyze a recent experiment in which the spin-correlation parameter A, in np scattering at Tl b --67.5 MeV was measured. The I = 0 phase parameters can now be determined much more accurately in a single-energy analysis at 50 MeV. The value found for the S~-D& mixing parameter rq is in excellent agreement with modern potential-model predictions.PACS number(s): 21.30. +y, 13.75. Cs, 12.40. gq Recently, a measurement of the spin-correlation parameter A"in np scattering at 67 5 MeV was reported [1]. In that Letter the authors claimed that their determination of the Si Di m-ixing parameter si at 50 MeV is in disagreement with modern NN potentialmodel predictions. When true, this result would be very disturbing. Because we just finished a preliminary version of the Nijmegen 0 -350 MeV NN partial-wave analysis in which no strange behavior of the cq was found, we decided to have a better look at this experiment at 67.5 MeV. Here, we give a brief report of our results in which we refute the claim of the Basel group [1]: We find the c~mixing parameter to be in excellent agreement with modern potential predictions. A complete and detailed