In this work, a modied coupling Lattice Boltzmann Model (LBM) in simulation of cardiac electrophysiology is developed in order to capture the detailed activities of macro-to micro-scale transport processes. The propagation of electrical activity in the human heart through torso is mathematically modeled by bidomain type systems. As transmembrane potential evolves, we take into account domain anisotropical properties using intracellular and extracellular conductivity, such as in a pacemaker or an electrocardiogram, in both parallel and perpendicular directions to the bers. The bidomain system represents multi-scale, sti and strongly nonlinear coupled reaction-diusion models that consist of a set of ordinary dierential equations coupled with a set of partial dierential equations. Due to dynamic and geometry complexity, numerical simulation and implementation of bidomain type systems are extremely challenging conceptual and computational problems but are very important in many real-life and biomedical applications. This paper suggests a modied LBM scheme, reliable, ecient, stable and easy to implement in the context of such bidomain systems. Numerical tests to conrm eectiveness and accuracy of our approach are provided and the propagation of electrophysiological waves in the heart is analyzed.