We present a new tracking controller for neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), which is an emerging technology that artificially stimulates skeletal muscles to help restore functionality to human limbs. The novelty of our work is that we prove that the tracking error globally asymptotically and locally exponentially converges to zero for any positive input delay, coupled with our ability to satisfy a state constraint imposed by the physical system. Also, our controller only requires sampled measurements of the states instead of continuous measurements and allows perturbed sampling schedules, which can be important for practical purposes. Our work is based on a new method for constructing predictor maps for a large class of timevarying systems, which is of independent interest.
NOTATION AND DEFINITIONSFor each vector x 2 R n , we let jxj denote its usual Euclidean norm, and x 0 is its transpose. The norm jMj of a matrix M 2 R m n is defined by jMj D max ¹jMxj W x 2 R n ; jxj D 1º. We let Z C denote the set of all non-negative integers. A partition D ¹T i º 1 i D0 of OE0; C1/ is any increasing sequence of times such that T 0 D 0 and T i ! C1. For every real x > 0, we let OEx denote its integer part, that is, OEx D max ¹k 2 Z C W k 6 xº. An increasing continuous function W OE0; C1/ ! OE0; C1/ is ofBy KL, we denote the set of all continuous functions W OE0; C1/ OE0; C1/ ! OE0; C1/ such that (i) for each t > 0, the mapping . ; t/ is of class K and (ii) for each s > 0, the mapping .s; / is non-increasing and satisfies lim t !C1 .s; t/ D 0. Let m and n be any positive integers. Given any open subset A  R n and any integer j > 0, we let C j .A/ denote the class of all functions having domain A that have continuous derivatives of order j . When we wish to restrict to functions taking values in a subset  R m , we denote the preceding set by C j .AI /. Given x W OEa r; b/ ! R n with b > a > 0 and r > 0, we let M T r .t /x denote the 'open history' of x from t r to t , that is, M T r .t /x Á .Â/ D x.t C Â/ for all  2 OE r; 0/ and t 2 OEa; b/. Given any interval I  OE0; C1/, we use L 1 .I I U / to denote the space of all measurable essentially bounded functions defined on I and taking values in U  R m . We also set kxk r D sup Â2OE r;0/ jx.Â/j for each function x. Notice that sup Â2OE r;0 jx.Â/j is not the essential supremum but the actual supremum and that is why the quantities sup Â2OE r;0 jx.Â/j and sup Â2OE r;0/ jx.Â/j do not coincide in general. We use juj OEa;b/ to denote the essential supremum of any function u over any interval OEa; b/ in its domain. A function h W A ! R where 0 2 A  R n is called positive definite provided h.0/ D 0 and h.x/ > 0 for all x 2 A n ¹0º. A function h W R n ! R is called radially unbounded provided that for each constant M > 0, the set ¹x 2 R n W h.x/ 6 M º is bounded or empty. For any bounded function F defined on any subset of R, we let jFj 1 denote its supremum over its entire domain.(98) ‡ Some voltage-level controllers have been designed to compensate for the unknown term ...