The paper provides a floristic account of the S. R. T. Campus (HNB Garhwal University, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand) which enumerates 193 taxa, distributed under 158 genera and 70 families of Angiosperms, Gymnosperms and Pteridophytes. Life form analysis revealed the presence of 65.28% herbs, 17.62 % shrubs 12.44 % trees, and. climber 4.66%. Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, and Rosaceae revealed as the dominant families (in term of number of species) which together contributed 36.46% in the total species count. Desmodium with 4 species revealed as the dominant genus followed by Carex, Solanum, and Indigofera (3 species each). Of these, 17.13% species bears white flower, 15.47% yellow, 11.61% Pink, 9.94% green, blue 7.185.52 purple, 4.42% red while rest of the species (28.74%) bears flowers of other than colour class.