Purposes: In this paper, we used Meta-analysis to study the effect of NHE on hamstrings and to find the scientific evaluation index of NHE effect.
Method: In this paper, we systematically searched all data since the establishment of the database through PubMed, Embase, Web of science, and Cochrane Library databases, with PubMed search formula (((Nordic) OR (Russian)) OR (NHE)) AND (((((((Hamstring) OR (Hamstring Muscle)) OR (Muscle, Hamstring)) OR (Muscles, Hamstring)) OR (Biceps Femoris)) OR (Semimembranosus)) OR (Semitendinosus)).The search field was full text and the search date of April 7, 2022. The quality evaluation, Meta-analysis, sensitivity analysis and publication bias analysis of the included literature were performed using Review manager 5.4 software.
Results: A total of 950 studies were retrieved for this study, and after strict inclusion and exclusion, a total of 11 studies were included, with 497 subjects, including 282 in the test group and 215 in the control group, and the overall quality of the literature was high. NHE can be used as an effective intervention method, which can significantly improve the eccentric hamstring strength peak(MD=46.16, 95% Cl: 28.70-63.63, P=0.00001<0.01) and the eccentric peak torque of the hamstrings (MD=10.87,95%CI:3.86-17.89,P=0.002<0.01) and the eccentric peak torque of the hamstrings muscles to body weight (MD=0.17, 95% CI: 0.01-0.33, P=0.04<0.05), increase BFLH fascicle length (MD=0.62, 95% CL: 0.11-1.12,P=0.02<0.05),improve H:Q functional ratio(MD=0.07,95%CI: 0.02-0.13, P=0.01<0.05),and decrease the hamstrings eccentric angle of peak torque(APT) (MD=2.53, 95% CI: 4.63-0.43, P=0.02<0.05).