We clarify novel forms of scaling functions of conductance, critical conductance distribution and localization length in a disorder-driven quantum phase transition between band insulator and Weyl semimetal phases. Quantum criticality of the phase transition is controlled by a clean-limit fixed point with spatially anisotropic scale invariance. We argue that the anisotropic scale invariance is reflected on unconventional scaling function forms in the quantum phase transition. We verify the proposed scaling function forms in terms of transfer-matrix calculations of conductance and localization length in a tight-binding model.Scaling theories play a central role in the studies of Anderson localization [1,2] as well as other disorder-driven quantum phase transitions. Inspired by the finite size scaling theory by the gang of four [3], scaling theories of localization length [4,5], and conductance [6,7] have been developed and become the core of our current understandings of the localization phenomena. The theories facilitate numerical studies of the phenomena, that establish a rich variety of the universality classes [8][9][10][11][12]. All the Wigner-Dyson universality classes are characterized and distinguished from one another by critical and dynamical exponents, and critical conductance distribution (CCD) [13][14][15][16]. Meanwhile, all of them obey the similar scaling functions;Here Q is a (properly normalized) dimensionless physical quantity, L is a linear dimension of the system size, m is a relevant scaling variable with its scaling dimension ν, and ∆ j (j = 1, 2, · · · ) is an irrelevant scaling variable with negative scaling dimension y j . Naturally one may raise a question by asking "Is there any new disorder-driven quantum phase transition that obeys different forms of scaling functions ?"In this rapid communication, we answer this question affirmatively, by investigating quantum criticality of a disorder-driven phase transition between band insulator (BI) and Weyl semimetal (WSM) phases. We clarify novel forms of scaling functions of conductance, CCD and localization length such as in Eqs. (5), (10), (11), (12), and (13). The criticality of the BI-WSM transition is controlled by a fixed point in the clean limit that has spatially anisotropic scale invariant property [17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. We show that the anisotropic scale invariance results in unconventional forms of scaling functions for conductance, CCD and localization length in the disorder-driven BI-WSM quantum phase transition. Based on numerical simulations on a lattice model with disorders, we demonstrate the validity of the proposed scaling properties.Weyl semimetal (WSM) is a class of three-dimensional semimetal that has a band touching point with linear dis-persions along all the three directions ('Weyl node') [24][25][26][27][28]. The Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem dictates that two band touching points with the linear dispersions must appear in a pair in the first Brillouin zone. When a pair of two Weyl nodes annihilate with each other, t...